Module chomp::types::numbering [] [src]

Module containing tools for working with position aware parsers.

use chomp::types::{Input, ParseResult};
use chomp::types::numbering::{InputPosition, LineNumber, Numbering};
use chomp::combinators::many;
use chomp::parsers::{Error, any, take_while1, string};
use chomp::run_parser;

// Let's count some lines
let i = InputPosition::new(&b"test a\ntest b\n\ntest c\n"[..], LineNumber::new());

// We could use a concrete type P too if we want to restrict to a
// certain position-aware implementation
fn parser<I: Input<Token=u8>, P: Numbering<Token=u8>>(i: InputPosition<I, P>)
  -> ParseResult<InputPosition<I, P>, (char, P), Error<u8>> {
                     take_while1(|c| c == b' ' || c == b'\t');
        let t_name = any();
        i -> {
            // Obtain current parser position
            let p = i.position();

            i.ret((t_name as char, p))
            // We skip the take while below, because we want to determine the line right
            // after reading the t_name
        } <* take_while1(|c| c == b'\n');

let r = run_parser(i, |i| many(i, parser)).1;

assert_eq!(r, Ok(vec![('a', LineNumber(0)),
                      ('b', LineNumber(1)),
                      // Note the two linebreaks in a row
                      ('c', LineNumber(3))]));



Wrapper around an Input implementation providing numbering support.


Struct counting the number of newlines (b'\n').



Trait for managing some kind of numbering over the parsed data.